According to, the Memic Group has acquired Vermont-based Granite Manufacturers Mutual Insurance. The purchase will allow Memic to continue its growth plan for the Eastern United States in the commercial workers’ compensation insurance market according to Memic President and Chief Executive Officer John T. Leonard. Also, Memic said it…
Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation
Unfair Screening Practices in Kentucky Violate Coal Miners’ Rights to Comp
Late last week, the Supreme Court of Kentucky ruled that the screening system used to detemine if a miner qualified for workers’ comp is actually violating the miners’ constitutional rights. In particular, miners must jump through many hoops to qualify for compensation, and the court said this practice unduly prejudices…
Sleep Disorders Found to Affect Work of Police Officers
According to an article posted last week on, a new study shows that many police officers need more and better sleep. The results are alarming: Researchers screened officers for sleeping disorders and found that 40% had at least one disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia. Those with…
Scranton Officials May Borrow from Workers’ Compensation Fund to Cover Debt
According to the Scranton Times-Tribune, Scranton officials want to borrow $5 million from its workers’ compensation fund to pay the outstanding balance on a tax anticipation note. The article published Dec. 20 stated the money would be paid back in 2012, which city officials have said would add to a…
Gov. Corbett to Lead 2012 International Trade Mission, Expand Job Opportunities
According to a recent news release, the governor will lead a delegation of Pennsylvania business leaders on a trade mission to France and Germany in the spring focusing on connecting Pa. companies with potential export partners and encouraging international business to invest in the state. The mission will be privately…
Federal Workers Get Compensation Program Update
The U.S. House of Representatives recently approved the Federal Workers’ Compensation Modernization and Improvement Act, legislation that will strengthen and enhance the workers’ compensation program for federal employees. “Reform of the federal workers’ compensation program is long overdue. “I am grateful for the time and effort my colleagues on both…
Pennsylvania Unemployment Rate Drops in October
Pennsylvania’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dropped in October, down to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent in September. The rate is down .4 percentage points from October 2010. The state’s seasonally adjusted civilian labor force, the number of people working or looking for work, was up 18,000 in October according to…
Happy Thanksgiving from O’Connor Law
The attorneys and staff of O’Connor Law wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and safe journey to those who are travelling this holiday weekend!
PA Court Rules Kraft Can’t Be Sued for Injury at Nabisco Subsidiary
This week the Pennsylvania Superior Court decided in favor of Kraft Foods Global Inc., saying that they could not be sued for damages by a Nabisco employee who was severely injured by cracker-cutting equipment. According to an article on BusinessInsurance. com, the employee began working at the Philadelphia bakery in…
OSHA construction hazards videos available online
Videos recently released by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration have been designed to alert workers and employers about the hazards of the construction industry. According to a news release issued Nov. 14, the 12 videos are each two to four minutes long, are available in…