Articles Posted in Workers’ Compensation


Closing of the Hazleton Workers’ Compensation Office

In early October, the Hazleton Workers’ Compensation Office of Adjudication, located in Hazle Township, was closed by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry. According to the deputy press secretary for the department, the closing was done in an effort to balance workloads and assure more efficient adjudication. As of…


Proposed Legislation Would Mean Major Changes to PA WC Law

The law firm of O’Connor Law was started by an attorney with a mission: to help injured workers obtain workers’ compensation benefits and to defend injured workers against insurance companies that would attempt to terminate, suspend, or modify their lost wage benefits. This mission came about through Attorney O’Connor’s first-hand…


Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor & Industry Launches New Workers’ Compensation Automation System

Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry launched a new Workers’ Compensation Automation and Integration System (WCAIS). The goal of the new system is to increase efficiencies for insurers, employers, and claimants. According to a press release, the Department of Labor & Industry Secretary Julia Hearthway said,…


OSHA Investigates Nonprofit Organization in Schuylkill County

After receiving reports of poor working conditions, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are investigating the nonprofit organization Avenues, located in Pottsville. According to an article on the, a former Avenues employee filed a complaint with OSHA, saying the facilities are “unsanitary, inadequate, and outdated” for clients and…

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