
OSHA Fines Proposed

Birdsboro Kosher Farms Corp., a chicken processing company in Birdsboro, Pennsylvania, has been fined by OSHA for endangering workers after an employee suffered an amputation. The employee had lost a thumb while working a mixing machine at the farm. OSHA has previously inspected Birdsboro Kosher in 2013, 2014 and 2015, where they found the worker protection system to be lacking.

“Birdsboro Kosher Farms is leaving its employees vulnerable to a variety of safety and health hazards that can cause serious injuries,” said acting OSHA area director in Harrisburg, Timothy Braun, in a press release. “It is critical that the company take appropriate steps to ensure worker protection at its facility. Anything less is unacceptable.”

The proposed fines are $317,477.

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