Forklifts are widely used in many industries. Warehouses, distribution centers, production facilities, and construction sites use forklifts to complete numerous tasks primarily moving heavy and large products. Since they are used so often (OSHA estimates there are 1.5 million lift operators in the United States) and are often used to…
Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Lawyers Blog
Lifting Injuries are one of the Most Common Suffered in the Workplace
Lifting and carrying heavy objects is one of the leading causes of injury in the workplace. It affects workers in almost every industry, not only the “blue collar” ones. Lifting injuries can affect all areas of your body especially your back, neck, shoulders, and hands. There are 2 types of…
As your Age Increases so Does your Risk of a Fatal Workplace Injury
The percentage of older workers continues to rise as more and more Americans work past the traditional retirement age of 65. This also means that older workers are experiencing more and more serious workplace injuries. Many would argue that workers should just simply retire when they reach 65 to avoid…
What is an “Independent Medical Examination” and What Does it Have to Do With My Workers Compensation Benefits?
An independent medical examination (IME) is a medical evaluation performed on an injured worker by a doctor at the request of the employer/insurance company. It is done to show that a work-related injury no longer exists, that it has decreased in severity, or that the injury isn’t actually work-related. It…
Backover Accidents: Danger at Worksites
A backover incident occurs when a vehicle is backing up and hits a worker who is standing, walking, or kneeling behind the vehicle. Backover fatalities and injuries are most prevalent in the construction industry. While many people only think of construction workers being struck by passing motorists, road workers are…
OSHA Fines Film Company for “The Walking Dead” Stuntman’s Death
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) said in a news release that it has issued a “serious citation” to Stalwart Films LLC. OSHA said it proposed the maximum allowable fine of $12,675 for “failure to provide adequate protection from fall hazards” while filming the popular…
Workplace Fatalities Highest in Almost a Decade
Earlier this week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ released their annual census on fatal occupational injuries for 2016. According to the report, there were 5,190 workplace fatalities in 2016, a 7% increase from 2015 and the highest since 2008. The fatal injury rate also increased from 3.4 per 100,000 full-time equivalent…
Winter Related Workplace Injuries
The winter season has arrived in Pennsylvania and the nasty weather that it brings. Winter weather presents many hazards for workers including slippery roads/surfaces, strong winds and low temperatures. The dangers are significantly more prevalent for those employees who work outdoors in the winter season. However, you don’t need to…
OSHA to Investigate Worker Death at Central Pennsylvania Amazon Warehouse
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration will investigate the death of an Amazon employee that occurred Tuesday September 19th at an Amazon warehouse in Cumberland County. Cumberland County Coroner Charles Hall says 28-year-old Devan Shoemaker was killed when he was run over by a truck at the facility. Shoemaker was…
Staying Safe While Working in the Summer Heat
The summer heat is in full force and every year dozens of workers die and thousands more become ill while working in extreme heat and/or humid conditions. The construction industry is the occupation that is the most affected by the summer heat accounting for more than 40% of heat-related worker…