
Statistics of Amputation Injuries in Ohio Highlight Importance of Safeguarding Equipment

Over a 7-year period, more than 5,000 workers in Ohio suffered amputation injuries, according to statistics from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

In an article by the Associated Press, statistics show that there were 5,405 compensation claims for amputation injuries in Ohio from 2006 through 2012.

Although amputations may not be life-threatening, officials say they can be some of the most debilitation injuries for a worker. They involve losing part of a fingertip or thumbs.

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, one of the most common sources of wounds that result in amputation is unguarded equipment. This type of injury is widespread and can involve various activities and equipment, including equipment used in construction, agriculture, and service industries. These types of injuries often occur with stationary machines such as saws, presses, conveyors, as well as bending, rolling, and shaping machines. Amputation injuries have also occurred with forklifts and trash compactors.

There are legal requirements that companies must comply with in order to safeguard equipment and protect employees. Employers should also provide training to employees so they know how to safely operate a machine.

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