Nursing Facilities Are 5th Most Dangerous Workplace in U.S.

A new study from the insurance company Allsup, reports that nursing facilities are the 5th most dangerous workplace in the U.S. The report also says that nursing facilities are the most dangerous places to work in Maine.

According to an article on, the study analyzed serious workplace injuries that resulted in an employee being prevented from performing the usual functions of a job or from working a full day.

In the study, Maine had the most worker injuries in private and state-run nursing facilities. There was an average of five injuries per 100 workers. The study also reported that Iowa had the most injuries for facilities run by the state and Indiana had the most injuries occurring in private nursing homes.

Nursing home workers face the most risk when moving residents. In fact, the American Nurses Association is encouraging a reduction in manual handling of residents to help reduce worker injuries.

If you are a nursing home worker and you have been injured on the job, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the workers comp attorneys at O’Connor Law for a free review of your case.

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