On Jan. 30, regulations will take effect for a rule under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act that will exclude most workers who maintain or repair recreational boats and watercraft.

According to an article on BusinessInsurance.com, an amendment under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 excluded laborers who repair or dismantle any recreational water vessel from coverage under the Longshore Act, as long as they are covered under a state’s workers’ comp law.

The new regulations will include an updated definition of “recreational vessel” as well as standards for determining the effective date of a worker’s injury.

Additional eligibility requirements have recently been added to the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Law.

According to the state Department of Labor and Industry, if the effective date of your application for unemployment benefits is on or before January 1, 2012 you are required to do all of the following:

1. Register for employment search services with Pennsylvania Career Link within 30 days after you file your application.

According to insurancenewsnet.com, the Memic Group has acquired Vermont-based Granite Manufacturers Mutual Insurance.

The purchase will allow Memic to continue its growth plan for the Eastern United States in the commercial workers’ compensation insurance market according to Memic President and Chief Executive Officer John T. Leonard.

Also, Memic said it will open offices in New Jersey and Pennsylvania in 2012. In 2010, Memic Group was the fifth-largest underwriter of workers’ compensation business in New England and was among the fastest-growing in New York.

Late last week, the Supreme Court of Kentucky ruled that the screening system used to detemine if a miner qualified for workers’ comp is actually violating the miners’ constitutional rights. In particular, miners must jump through many hoops to qualify for compensation, and the court said this practice unduly prejudices the miners’ cases.

According to an article on SurfKY News Group (surfky.com), Kentucky law requires that an inventory of tests to prove if compensation is warranted. But the Supreme Court ruled that those suffering from black lung disease were being denied their equal protection under the law because the tests are not justifiable. Other workers in other fields are not required to undergo the same set of tests for determining their eligibility for workers’ comp. Justice Will T. Scott noted that “such an irrational system proffers disparate treatment of miners. That disparate treatment is inherently discriminative.”

As a result of the ruling, miners’ families who are coping with this debilitating disease can now pursue reasonable claims for workers’ compensation.

In 2009, Kentucky produced approximately 110 million tons of coal, and is regularly in the top three producers of coal in the United States.

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According to an article posted last week on CNN.com, a new study shows that many police officers need more and better sleep.

The results are alarming: Researchers screened officers for sleeping disorders and found that 40% had at least one disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia. Those with sleeping disorders were 51% more likely to fall asleep while driving, 63% more likely to violate safety protocols, 43% more likely to make administrative errors, and 22% more likely to be injured on the job, compared to officers reporting no sleeping disorders. Also, citizens filed 35% more complaints against officers with sleeping disorders.

Nearly half of all police officers surveyed for the study reported having fallen asleep at least one time while driving, while one-quarter of all officers said that this happens once or twice a month.

According to the Scranton Times-Tribune, Scranton officials want to borrow $5 million from its workers’ compensation fund to pay the outstanding balance on a tax anticipation note.

The article published Dec. 20 stated the money would be paid back in 2012, which city officials have said would add to a $3 million deficit expected to come from an $85.3 million budget adopted by city council last week.

State approval is needed to borrow the money to pay the TAN, which is used to pay bills until tax revenue comes in. Scranton business administrator Ryan McGowen said the city must pay back the TAN this year to be eligible for a 2012 TAN.

According to a recent news release, the governor will lead a delegation of Pennsylvania business leaders on a trade mission to France and Germany in the spring focusing on connecting Pa. companies with potential export partners and encouraging international business to invest in the state.

The mission will be privately funded by the Team Pennsylvania Foundation, a non-profit partnership with the state.

“With the private-sector support of the Team Pennsylvania Foundation, I am proud

The U.S. House of Representatives recently approved the Federal Workers’ Compensation Modernization and Improvement Act, legislation that will strengthen and enhance the workers’ compensation program for federal employees.

“Reform of the federal workers’ compensation program is long overdue. “I am grateful for the time and effort my colleagues on both sides of the aisle invested in advancing this responsible legislation. I hope this represents not only a first step toward modernizing the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, but also a renewed effort to work together in pursuit of meaningful solutions that better serve both workers and taxpayers,” House Committee on Education and the Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN) said of H.R. 2465.

Kline introduced the Federal Workers’ Compensation Modernization and Improvement Act in July with support from Ranking Member George Miller (D-CA), Subcommittee on Workforce Protections Chairman Tim Walberg (R-MI), and Subcommittee on Workforce Protections Ranking Member Lynn Woolsey (D-CA).

Pennsylvania’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dropped in October, down to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent in September. The rate is down .4 percentage points from October 2010.

The state’s seasonally adjusted civilian labor force, the number of people working or looking for work, was up 18,000 in October according to a statement issued by the state Department of Labor and Industry.

Non-farm jobs were up 13,800 in October with goods-producing and service-providing industries adding jobs with Mining and Logging, Education and Health Services and Leisure and Hospitality reaching record highs according to L&I officials.

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