A PA workers’ compensation panel ruled this week that the Pittsburgh Steelers must pay Chukky Okobi $779 per week in workers’ compensation benefits for injuries that prevent him from playing in the NFL, and $22,000 in other benefits. His career was ended due to back, neck and arm injuries.

Okobi was on the Steelers team from 2001-2007. He then played shortly for the Cardinals and the Texans before ending his career.

Many people wouldn’t think of a sports injury as something that would be covered by workers’ compensation, but that’s not the case. If you are paid to play sports, and an injury makes you unable to work, that is a work injury and should be covered by workers’ compensation.

Did you know that if your work requires you to drive, or if you are driving for any reason to benefit your employer and you are injured in a car accident you can file a workers’ compensation claim? Most people assume they would just use their car insurance to pay their medical bills and damages, but the injury could be covered by workers’ compensation.


Generally you can’t file a workers’ compensation claim if you were involved in a wreck on the way to work or on the way home from work. However there are exceptions to this rule. For instance if you had to stop to pick up a package for work on your way in that day, and you were then involved in an accident, you may be able to file a claim. A good workers’ compensation lawyer could tell you if you have a claim or not in these situations.


If another person was at fault for the accident you could file a civil claim against them in addition to your workers’ compensation claim. If a situation like this has happened to you, you should speak with an experienced attorney who can handle both workers’ compensation claims and car accident claims, such as the attorneys at The Law Offices of O’Connor Law.

With temperatures well below zero across much of Pennsylvania, most people are staying inside to keep warm and beat the weather. However, for many workers in PA this isn’t possible when they have to work. There are plenty of jobs that require workers to be outside, or in warehouses and factories that aren’t heated. This can lead to cold injuries for many people.

A lot of workers assume that cold injuries, such as frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains are just a part of their job and they have to simply deal with them. This is not the case. If these injuries have happened to you and you’ve been hospitalized, missed any time at work, or even lost use of any parts of your body from cold injuries, you should speak to a workers’ compensation attorney, such as the attorneys at The Law Offices of O’Connor Law.

In conditions such as these, where wind chill temperatures can be as low as negative forty degrees, frostbite can happen in a matter of minutes if skin is exposed or a person is not properly insulated against the cold.

On The Run Mart Inc., a convenience store in Mechanicsburg PA, is facing charges for operating almost two years without having any workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. The Vice President of the company, Sultan Bhatti, will be charged with 686 misdemeanor charges.

According to Pennsylvania state laws, the business was not exempt from providing workers’ compensation insurance for its employees, and each day that employees worked without insurance counts as a separate offense against the business and the vice president who operated the business without the required insurance. Employees had worked at the store from 2009-2010, and again in 2011.

In PA, every business must have workers’ compensation insurance unless they are officially exempt as a self-insurer by the Self-Insurance Division of the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Luckily for On The Run Mart, none of their employees were injured during their employment there, but that doesn’t exempt them from having to have the required insurance.

The Ashley Furniture Plant in Wisconsin has had over 1000 injuries in the last 3.5 years leading to a heavy investigation by The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The investigation has led to the company being fined $1.76 million for repeated serious safety violations.

Ashley Furniture is disputing these claims, stating that their workers’ safety is their priority, but their record says otherwise. They have the next two weeks to officially contest the findings, which they say they are planning to do.

The company claims that most of the injuries were minor injuries such as muscle sprains and many of them did not require the employees to miss any time at work. According to OSHA there have been several very serious injuries, including at least one employee losing several of his fingers.

A manager at a liquor store in Morrisville PA was recently held up at gunpoint while working. A masked robber held a gun to his head, and duct-taped him to a chair in 2008 while robbing the store. The case recently went in favor of the manager, who had to fight for his benefits.

The Liquor Control Board and it’s insurance company initially tried to deny his claim stating that robberies are a “normal working condition” and therefore his post-traumatic stress disorder would not qualify him for benefits.

His attorney stated that if the manager had been shot during the robbery, he would have received his benefits almost immediately. However, somewhat ironically, since he followed store procedures and saved himself and his coworkers, he had to fight to receive his benefits.

Many people in this country work hard to provide for themselves and their families. Millions of hard working Americans ought to feel safe and secure while they are working at their places of business. Unfortunately, not everyone is safe when they are providing for themselves and their families.

Every day, men and women become injured at work. In July 2014, a West Virginia man was injured at work when he slipped on ice on the floor of a walk-in freezer. He fractured his elbow after falling in the freezer. The injury that the man sustained required surgery for the placement of plates and screws in his elbow. The man is currently seeking compensatory damages, fees, and costs for his injury.

Similar incidents, like what happened to this West Virginia man, regularly happen to other workers. Almost every day, people are injured at work. Recovery from work injuries sometimes takes a long time. All businesses and companies should make sure that their employees are safe and secure while at work.

Researchers have identified a new predictor that can be used to better help workers dealing with workplace injuries. Researchers conducted telephone interviews with injured workers in 8 states. These states are Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. The workers interviewed were injured in 2010 and received workers’ compensation benefits and were then interviewed in 2013.

In their study, Predictors of Worker Outcomes, they have found fear of being fired to be an issue not previously addressed by payers and health care providers. Injured workers feel that after an injury there is a loss of trust between them and their employer. Workers feel that due to their injury their employer will start to look for a replacement because they don’t want to deal with them. They found that workers who were strongly concerned about being fired after the injury experienced poorer return-to-work outcomes than workers without those concerns. These concerns were also associated with a four week increase in the average time of disability. If this fear of being fired can be addressed then injured workers will be able to focus more energy on getting better without the stress of possibly being fired.

The studies also asked the injured workers about certain comorbid medical conditions. Comorbid medical conditions are conditions that exist simultaneously but independently with other conditions. They asked about hypertension, diabetes, and heart conditions. What they found is that workers with any one of those three problems had higher percentage points of not being back at work while the interview was done.

In a sad reminder that the economy is still struggling and that online retailers are stiff competition, Radio Shack announced this week that it will be closing nearly 20% of its locations across the U.S. — as many as 1,100 stores.

An article on CNN.com reports that sales at Radio Shack stores fell 19% in the last quarter of 2013, even including the holiday shopping season. The company admits that its stores are out of date and that competition is tough as they are up against online retailers like Amazon.com, who generally sell the same products for less.

According to the article, Radio Shack is a retailer with the largest number of locations — 5,200 in the U.S. That is compared to Walmart which has 3,700 stores and Best Buy which has 1,400.

On Monday morning, a roof collapsed at a mine just outside of Minersville, trapping 2 miners who were later rescued.

According to an article on WNEP.com, the collapse took place at the D and F Mine when part of a roof fell on the miners. The men were rescued by fellow coal miners and taken to the Schuylkill County airport. The injured miners were taken by waiting helicopters. Their injuries were not life threatening.

Federal and state government inspectors are investigating the incident. According to state inspectors, there have been previous violations of mine roof regulations at the D and F Mine. But any violations were always immediately remedied.

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